Presentation of the Association ”Vår bygd 1891”.
The Association’s area of activity is the South-western end of Frändefors and in our documentation, we have started from 1891 year map. The Association was named ”Vår bygd 1891”. Before the Association was founded, it had since 1985 been ongoing research in a study circle ”to get to know your home” in Swedish Center Vuxenskolans regi.
In our district include the villages Binäs, Hästefjord, Kopperud, Laxfisket, Rotenäs, Rösebo, Skarbo, Sundsholm, Tjärtakan, Torsbo, Trombäljen and Öna.
All persons who lived in the area during this time are listed by name and year of birth.
In Bygdeband (, we use the word Village instead of Homestead
Within each village (Homestead) is any place that was inhabited in 1891 and sites that emerged then, numbered 01, 02, 03, and so on.
Three books have been published. They are all written in Swedish but contain lots of pictures and names so we think they can be of great value even if you don’t understand Swedish.
First book ”Vår bygd 1891-1991”, was published in 1997.All sites that were included on the map is featured in the book and the persons who were residing in the district are listed by name and year of birth. There is also a description of each site. We have run out of books and it will not be published again but it is posted at Bygdeband and can be read in its entirety. The whole book is on a CD and can be bought for 100 SEK.
Second book ”Emigranter från vår bygd” was published in 2001. Only the text without photos are included in the Bygdeband. The book, which has 300 pages with many photos cost is 100 SEK.
The third book ”Bilder från vår bygd” was published in 2007. The book is 280 pages with photos from throughout the 20th century and there is text to each photo. All photos are divided into groups with the following headings: People we met, Work in the yard, other pictures, Portraits, Family photos, Children photos, School photos, Celebrations and parties, Recreational activities, Physical exercise and sport, Hunting and fishing Traditions, The farm Torpet, Buildings, Nature photos, Vår bygd1891. The book costs 300 SEK.
The CD and the books can be purchased from Ragnhild Hallsten, Kopperud 301, 462 97 Frändefors, Tel. 0521-43067. E-mail